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Is life too lifey?

Feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Struggling to juggle all that life throws at you?

This bundle will help you survive it all and mitigate some of the effects of stress, carb-heavy meals, ultra-processed foods, poor sleep and a sluggish liver.

What's in the bundle?

Calm to keep the anxiety at bay (not bought all the presents yet?)
Team Insulin Support and Rise and Shine for the unhealthy meals and drinks. Your liver will thank you.

ElectroTide is the perfect start to each day - stay hydrated (and lose the toxic fluids) with our daily electrolyte sachets.

Plus we've thrown in a FREE WillPowders Scoop. If you can bear to part with it (doubt it!), you can use it for that emergency present!

Survival Bundle

£114.00 Regular Price
£102.60Sale Price
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